Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Moving The Plant Tips

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Moving and shifting becomes a very common phenomenon in today’s era. It practiced in urban as well as rural areas too. In urban areas in search for better living standard and in rural areas for better opportunities like higher education, seeking for job etc. It’s not a new process to evolve people practiced it since from the starting of the civilization. Most common example of early civilization or culture practiced is slash and burn culture or jhum culture, in this people go on moving and shifting in the new places for the better living purpose. Either it may for food or shelter. They move along with their pets and plants.

So here we are going to discuss about the measures that should be taken while you are carrying a plant with yourself. As moving and packing the non living object is itself a troublesome process carrying other living objects like pets, plants etc adds more into it.

Plants counts in one of the delicate as well as toughest creature present on the earth. It delicate because it needs proper food, water, sunlight at the starting and after it matures it becomes toughest as it bear the harsh weather conditions.

Having a plant in your house has a numerous benefits like it is believed to bring prosperity in house, purifies the air too, it’s flower attract the other living creature which creates the beautiful scene to see which relaxes your eyes as well as heart. It keep person in joyous state. Let’s discuss about it one by one

  • Given below are some benefits that a single plant can have at your home:-
  1. It boosts up your mood.
  2. It increases your concentration power.
  3. It increases creativity.
  4. It reduces your pain, fatigue and stress.
  5. It increases oxygen concentration as well as keep your home surrounding slightly humid.
  6. Distil the indoor atmosphere.
  7. Boosts up your immune system.
  8. Enhances productivity.
  9. Reduces noise pollution.
  10. Enhances the decor of house.
  • Toxins present at home:-
  1. Formaldehyde- Found in synthetic fibres and fabrics, serviettes, tissues and wood product or furniture.
  2. Trichloroethylene- Present in cleaners, paints and varnishes.
  3. Benzene- Available in detergents, adhesives, vehicle exhaust and lubricants.
  4. Ammonia- Generally present in fertilisers and cleaning products.
  5. Xylene- Found in paint, tobacco smoke and nail polish.
  • Plants which can be kept at home are:-
  1. Spider Plant- Chlorophytum

These plants are easy to maintain and are non toxic. So even if your child or pet accidently eat it, it cause no harm to them. Also it do not require much water and hence easy to carry as well as easy to keep. It purifies the inside air by eliminating toxins like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene. It is ideal for new gardeners who want to put plant indoor.

  1. Snake Plant- Sansevieria

It filters the indoor air even at night. That means it comes under one of those plant which convert carbon dioxide into oxygen even at night. This feature make this plant peculiar in nature. Snake plant removes toxic pollutant like carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. There are three types of snake plant cylinder snake plant, Laurentii sansevieria and birds nest snake plant.

List Of Problems Faced During Packing And Moving Along With Thier Solution

  1. English Ivy- Hedera helix

This is an evergreen plant which comes under category of climbers and creepers. It is used in treatment of some respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, COPD, inflammation, arthritis etc. It restricts the growth of mold in the house. It does not require much attention for its maintenance. It only needs constant temperature and sunlight with timely water supply. And it better suited for outdoor landscaping.

  1. Peace lily- Spathiphyllu

It is one of the most common or popular indoor plants as it require very less maintenance for water and light. It filters toxic substances like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene. It is mildly toxic so it’s better to place them out of reach of children and pets.

  1. Chinese Evergreen- Aglaonema

Watering once in week is enough for this plant. Chinese evergreen enhances mood and increases productivity both in living as well as working space. It improves the focusing ability and sharpens the memory. And at last reduces stress and fatigue.

  1. Aloe Vera

No one is unknown of benefits of this plant. It has numerous health benefits as it has antibacterial and antioxidant property. Some of the health benefits are it reduces constipation, reduces skin problems, accelerates healing of burns, reduces dental plaque, helps in treatment of canker sores, lower blood sugar level. So keeping aloe vera is like finding ways to escape to all these problems

  1. Bamboo Palm- Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

It adds up moisture or increases the humidity inside prevent dryness. It absorbs benzene, toluene and formaldehyde. It requires continuous thining and pruning as it comes under one of the tallest grass of the world.

  1. Dragon Tree- Dracaena margrinata

Put this plant in indirect sunlight. It is most commonly found in America. A single leaf of this plant has various colours like green, yellow, cream etc. It is a low maintenance plant with require slightly moist soil to thrive. It removes volatile organic carbon substances like benzene, trichloroethylene and xylene including formaldehyde.

  1. Gerbera daisy- Gerbera jamesonii

It prefers plenty of water accompanied with full sunlight coverage in well drained soil. It is the national flower of Eritrea. It purifies the air by excluding formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene from indoor air.

  1. Boston Fern- Nephrolepis exaltata

It is one of the best air purifying indoor plant. It can reach up to height of 16-35 inches so timely pruning should be done. This plant is common in tropical regions of the world. It restores the moisture inside.

  1. Philodendron- Philodendron

This plant besides enhancing the quality of air we breathe it also enhances the decor of the house. It helps in recovering of the patients from the surgery by healing. Improves work performance.

  • Following are some tips to move your plants during relocation:-
  1. Reporting and Pruning

It means putting the plant in another pot. Yes reporting is very necessary activity to do before you move. Also it have to be done with utmost care as hampering of plants takes place during reporting (chance of damage of roots and base stem is very high). It is advisable to report the plant in shatter proof plastic pots from clay pot of smaller size. So it’s become handy to carry.

Pruning is the process of trimming of the plant by cutting or removing the dead or overgrown branches or stems of the plant. It should be done before reporting.

  1. Collect your supplies

Before taking the plant with yourself check for the supplies you have or not needed especially for plants like boxes, pruning scissors, sheets to cover them up, plastic pots for transplantation or etc.

  1. Check for the laws

Before swapping between your place always check the laws that if you can carry the plants with yourself or not or you can keep them inside or not. Every state has their own quarantine rules that should be followed to avoid any pest and diseases to enter into their state. Hence quarantine laws must be checked before moving plant with you.

  1. Give away

If you are unable to carry the plants with yourself, don’t left them to die rather than most suitable and appropriate alternative is to give them to your relative, neighbor or friends who are willing to keep the plants with themselves. In other words you can donate your plants.

  1. Preparation

After pruning and reporting is done, wrap the plants with cotton clothes or news paper sheets to avoid any breakage to the stems also to avoid any dust particle settle to them. Then position the plant inside the box carefully and slowly. Use the box in size of your plant don’t chose for larger boxes as large box provide more space for movement and hence chances of damage increases.

  1. Put them inside

After packing keep your plant into the boxes, keep them with yourself and don’t rely on your company as many movers and packers company refuse to take plants with themselves. And during the whole journey don’t forget about them be mindful during the transportation. If you have pet too to go with yourself then keep them separate, never keep them too close as most of the time pets prefer playing with the things which they are surrounded of. So keep them separate.

  1. Water it frequently if needed

If you are travelling in dry season or summer season when humidity is very low, water your plant as per requirement also don’t cover your plant totally to allow ventilation. And if possible provide them with proper sunlight.

  1. Have a close watch

Don’t forget about your plant after putting them inside with you. Have a close watch on them as if they need any adjustment, you can do so to make your plant comfortable. Try to maintain the moisture and temperature of your plant if possible. Also check the humidity of you vehicle whether it is optimum or not.

  1. At the destination

1st unload and unpack the plant as soon as possible. Remove the covings of the plant and keep them out of the box. After that place the plants in the clay pots (potting) of same size that was of before.

  1. Stabilize

After placing the plant, restrict everyone to not to roam around the plant. Give time for the plant to assimilation. Give them time to heal as most of the plants suffers from transplantation shock during relocation process.

For plant moving move to packers and movers in Pune

For plant moving in Bangalore move to packers and movers Bangalore